Our Philosophy
These guiding principles are essential to ensuring that individuals served by Chesco can retain self-determination in their lives. In addition, they guide us as supporters and service providers in ensuring that our decisions are based on sound principles and philosophies.
Choice, Control, and Freedom
All people have the right to make decisions for themselves on a daily basis. This includes a myriad of daily choices including but not limited to what to eat, what to wear, who to speak to, and how to spend available resource. In addition, all people have the right to create and control their life goals and dreams with assistance from friends and family as needed, etc. This would include things like where to live, what to do for work, who to associate with, who to vote for, and how to spend free time, etc.
Empowerment and Self Advocacy
A fundamental freedom for all is the right to advocate for what we believe in and pursue daily life as we see it. With this freedom comes the responsibility to be fully informed and make informed choices on a daily basis. As always, assistance from friends and family may be important to ensure that our rights and freedom are not infringed upon.
Life Long Learning
It is important that all individuals pursue on going life long learning. New information and mind expanding activities enhance our general knowledge and renew our zest to explore life to its fullest. This can include many things such as reading, writing, taking a course, learning a new sport or hobby, traveling, mastering a craft, playing a musical instrument, etc.
Connections and Personal Relationships
Enriching personal relationships and casual connections are an essential piece of full community participation. Friends and personal relationships reduce isolation, loneliness, and depression. They enhance our sense of belonging and support us through the good and bad times. In addition, they contribute to our overall sense of well being.
Contribution to Your Community
One of our cultures’ most valued community roles is rooted in the concept of contribution. Meaningful employment and volunteerism provide us with ways to give back to your communities through sharing and unique gifts and talents. Whenever possible, employment should be sought as a way to increase independence and personal resource. Volunteerism provides us with ways to assist our neighbors and friends. In addition, it provide us with a sense of pride and accomplishment as a valued, contributing community member.
Full Community Participation Through Valued Community Roles
Our culture values many roles within our communities. They include being a taxpayer, employee, friend, neighbor, home owner, and consumer. We all seek to maximize our community participation through these many valued roles.
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